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Kundalini Energy:

Kundalini Yoga 8 Week Course

... the journey begins Wednesday 8 July, 2020 ...










Want to unlock your potential

and access deeper reservoirs of energy?


'Kundalini Energy' explores the many practical tools kundalini yoga offers to enhance our energy and vitality, and move stuck or stagnant energy which may accumulate in our systems, manifesting as illness or imbalance. This course is exclusively for continuing students seeking to deepen their practice, or those with some yoga experience.


In yoga, our vital life-force is known as 'prana'. Harnessing and mastering your prana is the key to unlocking abundant and radiant energy, and cultivating the resilience necessary to deal with the challenges, stressors and fluctuations of life. In this course we will delve deeply into the five main types of prana, known as the vayus, each of which are located in different areas of the body, displaying unique functions and attributes.


We will learn how to use ancient yogic techniques to master and balance our life-force in order to access heightened states of health, happiness and harmony. 


Kundalini yoga is for everyone with a desire to unfurl their potential, gain a strong and vital body & mind, and explore the nature of life and the universe.

The Kundalini Centre is a haven for conscious individuals and community. It is the ACT and QBN's first and only kundalini yoga studio.


The course includes 15 hours of class time, and will be held on Wednesdays for 6 weeks, 6.15 - 8.45pm (end time may vary slightly)

Dates are as follows:


















Advance Earlybird Rate: $360 until 27 March, 2020

            Earlybird Rate: $390 until 14 May, 2020

Standard Rate: $480


10% discount for full-time students and pensioners (5% for part-time students).

Credit card or bank transfer accepted.


Only 10 exclusive places available - book now to reserve your space. Call Odette on 0423 985 245 or email



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