Welcome to a wild world of mythic mystery,
sacred seduction, cosmic eroticism and divine, aching love.
Allow yourself to surrender to an experience beyond words –
heard in the whispers of your blood, the primal pulse of your desire and the driving beat of your untamed heart.
Like raven feathers traced along the side of your neck,
or a single bead of sweat trickling down your spine,
this retreat will take you to the essence
of the sacred sexual self.
To register your interest, please email

Wyld is a tantric, shamanic & yogic journey into the deepest, wildest, most ecstatic and profoundly transcendental fibres of your erotic being.
This is a retreat like no other - we will delve into sacred sexual rites and processes
which are rarely, if ever, offered to the public.
Prepare to be amazed, delighted, challenged, provoked, seen, held, comforted, confronted, elevated and inspired to shed the skins of past conditioning and enter into radical connection and intimacy, with your body, your breath, your spirit, the earth, the stars, and one another.
Is Wyld for you?
If you are done with unfulfilled sexual longing, numbness and disconnection;
If you wish to release the unbearable weight of sexual trauma, fear, shame and blockage;
If you want to clear ties to past lovers and old stories around your sexual potential;
If you want to call in a new wave of love, intimacy and radical pleasure into your life
If you want to understand yourself as a child of the earth and the stars,
imbued fundamentally with the creative eros that is the essence of all things;
If you want to feel the sensual aliveness of every cell in your body singing the song of your authentic awakeness and your connection to Source;
If you wish to receive the healing that is possible through the mirror and crucible of being held in the arms of a sacred tantric circle,
through touch, gaze, acknowledgment, understanding, presence, deliciousness, play and being carried through the dark nights of the soul to the discovery of
your naked, authentic, deeply passionate & wildly powerful self...
Then uh... hell yes, Wyld is for you!
Join us to explore -
- your primal instinct & erotic embodiment
- knowing and cultivating your boundaries and desires
- sacred sexual contracts: how we unconsciously make them & how to break them
- the art of ecstasy: how to awaken, move & play with orgasmic energy
- how to use orgasmic energy for manifestation
- the various types of orgasm & sacred sensual touch
- blood, sugar, sex, magick: sacred sexual fluids & how to use them in ritual sex magic
- the dragon transformation ritual to heal your sexual shadows
- archetypal sexuality; how to channel the divine in your lovemaking
- astral sex & erotic meditation: how to cultivate erotic energy at a distance
- how to create the conditions for profoundly meaningful sexual experience
- sound, kundalini yoga and dance activations to awaken your inner energy,
- a return to your innocent erotic nature; union with the wild creative Source of All things
Limited places available for this wild journey of a lifetime!
USD$1999 - advance earlybird rate until 31 January 2020
USD$2199 - earlybird rate until 31 March 2020
USD$2299 standard rate
To apply to join Wyld, please email love@thekundalinicentre.com
If you wish to join both Wyld & the Sacred Awakenings kundalini yoga & plant medicine retreat, for an immersive 14 day experience, combined cost for both retreats is available for a limited time at USD$3333 or three payments of $1111